Sunday, March 18, 2018

RobotFX is glad to announce the 20% Eastern discount. This...

RobotFX is glad to announce the 20% Eastern discount. This applies to any of our paid products and it is calculated per sale.

However, since we’ve got rid of 2CO and now rely mostly on PayPal to process our sales, we cannot offer a discount coupon anymore. Instead, we will refund all sales that will take place in the month of April, as soon as April will end. Basically the following scenario will take place:

  1. Trader buys one or more RobotFX products between 1st and 30th of April
  2. Trader requests the refund (contact us) anytime during the next month (1-31 May)
  3. RobotFX issues the refund using the same payment channel (ie a PayPal sale can only be refunded on PayPal, not on Payza, Western Union etc.)
  4. Traders cashes the refund

That’s it.

from RobotFX
via RobotFX

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