Wednesday, January 23, 2019

NonLagMA EA v2.89 (update)

RobotFX NonLagMA expert advisor reached version 2.89. Same updates have been made as for the Fluid EA.

  • introduced days and trading sessions restrictions
  • introduced money management (lotsize as % of free margin)
  • cleaner code and minor tweaks 

from RobotFX
via RobotFX

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Fluid v9.89 (update)

This new version fixes a reported bug regarding the Trading Sessions. Download links have been updated. If you have been trying to use this EA on a demo, please delete the version you currently have and use this one.

from RobotFX
via RobotFX

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Broker affiliate changed

We’ve changed the broker for our affiliate discount type of 50%. Previously HotForex, currently InstaForex. We had some issues with the previous one not recognizing one of our affiliates and because of that we could issue the refund. Hopefully Instaforex will be better.

The new affiliate link is accessible on our discounts page

from RobotFX
via RobotFX

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

RobotFX Fluid Update - v9.88

RobotFX Fluid reached version 9.88. Although we’ve tested this version thoroughly, we still recommend traders to try it on demo accounts first, due to its major modifications (such as the days, sessions restrictions).

from RobotFX
via RobotFX

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Every once in a while some trader Joe is trying to teach us how...

Every once in a while some trader Joe is trying to teach us how to trade and what (he/she thinks) our trading tools should or should not do. Almost all the times these are people that don’t even bother to read our EAs’ description, and they simply compare what they think they know with what they think our EAs do. And almost without exception, when we point out their faults and provide advice on how to fix them, they get offended.

Quite recently someone was arguing about the fact that 1% is equal to 0.01, as if it was our fault. And when we kindly advised not to use our products anymore, he demanded to be treated as a potential customer. As a potential customer, mind you, we should have sold him our product, even though it was obvious that he didn’t understand what it does. Still, we didn’t. That’s because, in case you don’t us very well, we’d rather lose a potential customer than gain an unsatisfied one.

To all potential customers out there, and everyone interested in our products. Please take your time to read the description, watch the videoS and try it on a demo account. It is impossible not to understand it’s usefulness if you do that. Of course we are always open to questions regarding our products, in case there’s still something unclear. But honestly, why 1% = 0.01?! Well, it just does; always did, always will :) 

from RobotFX
via RobotFX

Monday, January 7, 2019

Beware of sites such as Their only...

Beware of sites such as Their only purpose is to sell their affiliated products, while writing non-sense or false information. They published this “review” using one of our products names (1), pictures from some other website they found on the net (2) and a description made up. Hell, everything goes, as well as they can build a web-page and advertise their products (3).

Great marketing behavior, Forex Robot Review! You should be proud (not).

We’d like to remind every trader out there that ALL our products can be downloaded and tried on demo accounts before buying. Now that’s transparency :)

from RobotFX
via RobotFX