Thursday, May 31, 2018



RobotFX Grid X has reached v1.5. Change log:

- no more irrelevant error messages in the Experts console

- added the “WARNING: this EA will not interfere with the existing trades.” message in case the trader loads the EA on a chart where there are opened trades and/or restarts the MT4 terminal

from RobotFX
via RobotFX

Thursday, May 17, 2018

RobotFX Grid-X Expert Advisors | MetaTrader | RobotFX

RobotFX Grid-X Expert Advisors | MetaTrader | RobotFX:

Grid X EA has been updated to version 1.42.

Change log:

- a small bug causing the stoploss/takeprofit not being set has been fixed


from RobotFX
via RobotFX

Thursday, May 3, 2018

License change modification

Due to the currently high number of license change requests, we have decided to restrict the number of times a trader can change their license to maximum 2 times per year and one time per semester, whichever will come first.

This means that our customers can request, for year 2018, one license change in May and another starting from six months later, in November or December.

The trading account numbers didn’t change, so each paid product will be locked to five live trading numbers, as before.

from RobotFX
via RobotFX

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

RobotFX Grid-X v1.4

RobotFX Grid-X v1.4:

The Grid X expert advisor has been updated to version 1.4.

Change log:

- fixed a bug making the EA open trades at different levels

from RobotFX
via RobotFX